On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 03:59:19PM +0100, elbibliotecarioci...@gmail.com wrote:
> I am planning to connect by a fiber card one OpenBSD server to that
> LUN and offer this data to the web servers by a NFS share. But I that
> single NFS host dies, all the web servers stop accessing the data.
> As fas as I know, there is no possibility of connecting more than a
> machine simoultaneously to the same LUN in a SAN, am I right? If that
> is so, I need some kind of failover.
>From the SAN (zoning) and storage point of view, you can expose the
same LUN to many HBA (host controllers).  It means multiple OpenBSD
servers can see the same LUNs.  To mount them on more than one node
requires a global FS, beast that does not exist on OpenBSD.
You may want to setup some 'cluster' logic to mount a LUN on one node at
a time, tacking care about fsck, ...

> If I get a second server with a fiber card, how can I implement a
> failover mechanism so that when the first server dies, the spare
> server connects to the LUN and exports the data by NFS to the web
> servers? Can CARP be used for that?

This is really a NFS cluster scenario.
With OpenBSD and CARP, you could also setup 2 web servers with their
own storage and sync them with some home made scripts. Yeah, you need
100% more storage.

Olivier Cherrier

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