* Justin Krejci <j...@krytosvirus.com> [2009-02-11 22:17]:
> This is assuming running OpenBGPD with full tables over gig ethernet
> connections and on a modern hardware (multi gigahertz CPU and multi
> gigabytes of RAM + intel gigE nics). Are there any general concerns or
> issues with BGP updates causing performance issues on the system?

no issues

> Compatibility problems with any hardware vendors' BGP implementations? Etc


> From my reading it seems that all normal/standard BGP functionality is
> present if not enhanced (bgp session key management, etc) in OpenBGPD and
> that performance is comparable to expensive Cisco grade router hardware and
> the user testimonials look pretty good too.
> http://www.openbgpd.org/users.html. Are there any features or functionality
> that anyone has found lacking in OpenBGPD?

pretty much only more obscure stuff like MPLS VPN stuff is asked for

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
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