looks like this might already be fixed.

On Wed, Feb 18, 2009 at 12:06 PM, Jules Desforges <> wrote:
> I admin multipe openbgp servers for a handful of companies.
> On Monday (16th), I was notified that bgp had crashed on 4 out of the
> 8 machines. The bgpd crashed because it was being advertised
> a route with a long AS path (> 255). The incident was global, and more
> information can be found  on the nanog thread :-
> It seems instances where peers advertise an invalid route like this are
> quite common. Unfortunately I can't see an option in openbgpd.conf to check
> the length of an AS and hence filter it out.
> Would it be possible to have functionality similar to Cisco IOS "maxas
> limit", so I could filter the route? I can't rely on my upstreams to do the
> sanity check and it's fatal if the route hits openbgp.
> Thanks,
> Jules

GDB has a 'break' feature; why doesn't it have 'fix' too?

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