On Feb 10, 2009, at 12:05 PM, Jakob Schlyter wrote:
actually, the ssi thingy is build but not included in the binary
package. I've updated the port to include it.
I just wanted to let you know that I did a "make update" on the latest
source and it worked great (macppc -current).
I copied ssi to a cgi-bin directory inside my document root and added -
c '/cgi-bin/*' to thttpd command line. It parses SSI statements
intended for Apache just fine, with the slight nit that it expects the
path to be relative to the cgi-bin when I use "virtual" as the include
type. I just created hardlinks to the included files and that solved
the problem.
Thanks for the super-fast response!!!
As a silly aside, thttpd saved my tunnelbroker.net account. They
wanted me to put up a website to prove the tunnel belonged to me, and
after hours of tweaking httpd.conf yielded only frustration, I
installed thttpd and had it up and running in less than 10 minutes.