Move it to /var/tmp/dosevasive/ ... or something.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 1:29 AM, Gregory Edigarov
<> wrote:
> Bryan Irvine wrote:
>> mod_dosevasive
> piece of shit cluttering up /tmp to death
>> On Mon, Feb 2, 2009 at 9:47 PM, Jeffrey 'jf' Lim <>
>> wrote:
>>> Is the project (or anybody) planning to work on something like spamd
>>> for http? Or does anybody know of any projects which do this already?
>>> I am looking for something to be (as per spamd) put in front of an
>>> actual server. A bunch of possible features i would be looking at:
>>> - blacklisting (should ideally allow for dynamic reloads without
>>> killing any existing valid connections)
>>> - tarpitting for open connections (no http request sent) beyond a
>>> certain timeout
>>> - tarpitting for invalid http requests
>>> - "greytrapping" (let's say u have only specific url patterns which
>>> are valid. Anything else, tarpit)
>>> thanks,
>>> -jf
>>> --
>>> In the meantime, here is your PSA:
>>> "It's so hard to write a graphics driver that open-sourcing it would not
>>> help."
>>>   -- Andrew Fear, Software Product Manager, NVIDIA Corporation
> --
> With best regards,
>        Gregory Edigarov

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