* Tom Van Looy wrote:
> Will (when) the results and the paper be published publicly?

yes.  after AsiaBSDCon (which is where we present the paper) it
will be publicly available.

> Claudio Jeker wrote:
>> For an IPv6 related paper we are currently working on, Claudio and I are
>> doing a small online survey on the use of IPv6 among OpenBSD developers
>> and users.
>> It would be nice if you could spare 10-15 minutes of your time and
>> answer the questions.  Please do that also if you don't use IPv6,
>> since that helps us evaluating how much it is used.
>> You find the survey online at
>> http://ilias.msys.ch/goto.php?target=svy_41&client_id=ipv6
>> and you start the survey by pressing the button on the top left.
>> Many thanks,
>> Marc & Claudio
Marc Balmer, Micro Systems, Wiesendamm 2a, Postfach, CH-4019 Basel, Switzerland
http://www.msys.ch/     http://www.vnode.ch/   "In God we trust, in C we code."

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