Hi Claudio,

On Thu, 29.01.2009 at 17:13:32 +0100, Claudio Jeker <cje...@diehard.n-r-g.com> 
> Will most probably not work. The -current bgpd has a reworked kroute.c
> that needs a -current kernel.

thanks for confirming my doubts. Now I can try to find out whether the
changes in kroute.c are sufficiently isolated from the rest...

Btw, I've just rebuilt bgpd with code tagged OPENBSD_4_3_BASE, but the
checksum is different from that in the distribution. The difference
shown with "cmp -l" is way too large to be just a different timestamp
and/or what(1) info. Now I'm a bit scared...

Kind regards,

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