On Sun, Jan 18, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Martin Toft <m...@martintoft.dk> wrote:
> Inspired by http://it.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=09/01/17/2127254 and
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/acpi-support/+bug/59695 I've
> looked into the hard drive load cycle count on my 5-6 months old Asus
> Eee PC1000H laptop. The launchpad link recommends that a disk has no
> more than ~15 load cycles per hour, which indicates that my disk might
> be in danger:

> Does anyone have some suggestions for how to tune this? I've looked in
> the FAQ, smartctl(8) and atactl(8). The apmset option of atactl looks
> promising, but the power management levels are not explained in enough
> detail to be useful (IMHO).

rodin:~> grep ata /etc/rc.local
atactl sd0 apmdisable

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