On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 04:36:47PM +0000, KammyDoe wrote: > I have OpenBSD 4.4 installed on this server of mine, it works perfectly well > with everything on the LAN; http, ftp, etc. But it doesn't respond to external > requests, from the internet. I don't know if there's a line in the config that > I've missed or something, because pf is set up to let everything in and out > (just for now). > > I have set up port forwarding and all the stuff on the router side of things, it > may still be a router problem, though. BSD seems to be set up correctly. > > Any help would be much appreciated!
Without more information it could be almost anything. Things you might do: * reduce to simplest pf.conf with problems and post it here * enable pflog and tcpdump on pflog0 to see which rule matches for block, or if the traffic is even getting that far * disable pf and see if it works -- Darrin Chandler | Phoenix BSD User Group | MetaBUG dwchand...@stilyagin.com | http://phxbug.org/ | http://metabug.org/ http://www.stilyagin.com/ | Daemons in the Desert | Global BUG Federation [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]