>>> table <spamd> persist >>> I guess I can delete that line from my file too? >> >> Er, you'll still need that unless something's happened that I totally >> missed. > > I'm thinking that line "remembers" something during reboot (but I'm not > sure what that is). Does removing it "forget" GREY or WHITE or both?
Tables and 'persist' are covered nicely in the man page. Persist keeps the table even if it's empty. It's nothing to do with reboots, and that it handled by spamd's database. >> If you are running spamd on your mail server then it's a bit simpler: >> >> no rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from <spamd-mywhite> to any port smtp >> no rdr on $ext_if proto tcp from <spamd-white> to any port smtp >> rdr pass on $ext_if proto tcp from any to any port smtp \ >> -> port spamd > > Seems to be working just fine, thanks. GREY/WHITE "issue" is still > there though. I'm glad it's working. If it were really a problem then you'd have a bazillion GREY entries and/or no email would get through. It'll stop being an "issue" when you stop worrying about it ;) -- Darrin Chandler | Phoenix BSD User Group | MetaBUG dwchand...@stilyagin.com | http://phxbug.org/ | http://metabug.org/ http://www.stilyagin.com/ | Daemons in the Desert | Global BUG Federation [demime 1.01d removed an attachment of type application/pgp-signature]