2008/12/12 Aram Havarneanu <ara...@mgk.ro>:
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2008 at 9:47 PM, Scott Francis <darkun...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> in theory, you could install the linux compatibility packages (see
>> compat_linux(8)) and run e.g. VMware Server as a platform for a
>> Windows VM. I haven't tried this myself yet (although it is on my list
>> of things to do the next time I'm bored).
> It won't work. VMware needs to load Linux kernel modules.
> linux_compat(8) can run userspace applications only.

that makes sense (and it should have occurred to me, but it's been
about a year since I last installed VMware Server on Linux). Thanks
for the heads-up; you saved me at least a little bit of wasted time.

darkun...@{gmail.com,darkuncle.net} || 0x5537F527
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