>I would like to respond to this with a small anecdote: I opened a call

>at vendor x at 17/sep/2008. The call resulted in me having to open a

>design change request for their OS. So, 65 days later (coincidently

>today), I received a "tracking number" and probably have to wait an

>other (max) 90 days for the developers to decide if they even will make

>a fix. Oh, did I mention how ridiculously much we pay each month for

>their support?

Yes. This bites in the ass. But this is not something unheard of. Due to this 
very same reasons, we have moved our entire OS distro development in house so 
that we can timely address all issues ourselves as opposed to waiting for a 
third party vendor to address our issues. 

In this respect, the open source philosophy really works well. If you post it 
in an appropriate mailing list, someone somewhere will definitely respond to 
your message, albeit may be with slight delay. Long live the open source 


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