
lately my ip-tv provider switched from igmp v2 to v3 and my openbsd setup with igmp-proxy from ports stopped working. if i get the v3 rfc correctly, it4s not conform to the igmp standard to cut support for older igmp versions but they did it anyway. i found http://potiron.loria.fr/projects/madynes/internals/perso/lahmadi/igmpv3proxy but it won4t compile. i browsed through openbsd4s source and noticed, that it only seems to support igmp v1 and v2. the kame patches for igmp v3 seem very old (openbsd 3.5.) and i don4t think they would apply to openbsd 4.4. so my question is: even if i did have an igmp v3 proxy for openbsd, would it help me at all as the os does not seem to support v3? does anyeone have a working igmp v3 / multicast setup and can point me to the right directions or just shed some light into this?


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