> "route monitor" ?
> --
>  WBR,
>    Pereresus ne Vlezaet Buggy

That's an interesting tool, but it's not what I'm looking for.

My current solution is an incredibly awkward ifstated.conf (pasted below).

Is this really the best way to do it? I have no idea what's involved
with logging interface state changes, but it's something that any
router, firewall, or server needs. PCs are debatable, but I prefer
that mine log it. I'd like to file a feature request but before I do,
is there something I'm missing here? Is there a specific reason it was
decided to keep this functionality out of the OS?



# global config
init-state main
vr0_up = "vr0.link.up"

state main {
  init {
    run ""

  if $vr0_up || ! $vr0_up {
    logger "ifstatus change. vr0 `ifconfig vr0 | grep status: | sed
's/^[[:space:]]//'`, vr1 `ifconfig vr1 | grep status: | sed
's/^[[:space:]]//'`, vr2 `ifconfig vr2 | grep status: | sed
's/^[[:space:]]//'`, vr1 `ifconfig vr3 | grep status: | sed

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