On 2008-11-14, Ivo Chutkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello misc,
> I cannot get ping and traceroute working with bgplg on 4.4 stable.
> Both show "failed" on the web interface.
> Everything else works perfect.
> I followed man pages and checked everything many times and there is no 
> log entries for any errors.
bgplg, as distributed, needs chrooted httpd (it looks for /bin/ping
which is really /var/www/bin/ping with chrooted httpd - but the system
binary is in /sbin/ping so without the chroot it will fail). If you
don't chroot httpd, either chroot it (probably the better option)
or arrange things so bgplg can find a suitable binary in /bin.

If that's not it, carefully double-check permissions on the
ping/traceroute binaries (as mentioned in the manual), they must
be executable by the user running the webserver.
N.B. you have to do this every time you upgrade the OS.

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