
I'm seeing the same exact thing, I'm not able to reload the config without
killing and restarting relayd.

I haven't looked at the source yet, but I may get to that in the next couple
days, restarting is an ok work around for me at this point, but won't be
when it gets into production.


2008/11/7 BARDOU Pierre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello,
> I have something which looks like a bug using relayctl on openBSD 4.4 :
> * My config file is correct according to relayd -n
> * I can launch relayd
> * I can't reload the config file using relayctl reload : it says "command
> failed"
> /var/log/daemon.log and /var/log/messages don't report anything
> Someone knows about this problem ?
> Thank you
> --
> Cordialement,
> Pierre BARDOU
> CSIM - Bureau 012
> Midi Pyrinies Informatique Hospitalihre
> 12 rue Michel Labrousse
> BP93668
> F-31036 Toulouse CEDEX 1
> Til : 05 67 31 90 84
> Fax : 05 34 61 51 00

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