On 2008-11-08, Alfredo Perez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi
> I have the following configuration
> router/firewall <------- OPENBSD BOX <----- Wireless switch
> Openbsd box has two NICs 
> rl0 connects OPENBSD BOX to router/firewall
> dc0 connects Wireless swith to OPENBSD BOX
> nat.conf shows
> nat on rl0 from dc0/24 to any -> rl0

nat.conf went away a long time ago. if you really are using
OpenBSD <= 3.1, it should be upgraded before doing anything

if indeed you are using newer OpenBSD you need to find a better
guide to configure it - the FAQ should be your first stop.

but we shouldn't have to guess which version you use - you
should send a dmesg with your question which will include this

> sysctl.conf shows:
> net.inet.ip.forwarding=1
> hostname.dc0 shows:
> inet

here, both your IP address and broadcast address are bad.
just leave out the broadcast address, the default is good
for almost everyone, and change to a valid IP address
(the current one is the Network address which you can't
use as a Host address).

it might be useful to look at the "IP addressing" section of
the "Network Design" chapter in the book "Wireless Networking
in the Developing World" (ports/books/wndw, various packages
with names starting wndw- for various languages, or just
download it at http://wndw.net).

> hostname.rl0 shows:
> OPENBSD IP is which is given by the router/firewall
> I connect my laptop to the wireless switch
> successfully but I can't go out to the internet.

you don't give any information about the laptop (what address
does it have, how does it get an address etc).

> Cant I get some suggetions on how to solve this problem?
> Thanks
> Alfredo

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