On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 09:57:31AM +0100, Otto Moerbeek wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 04, 2008 at 01:03:37PM -0500, William Boshuck wrote:
> > 
> > Sorry, this does seem ok in 4.3.  (An example in
> > the FAQ uses a relative path, and that's what I've
> > always done.)
> It only seems ok in 4.3 *if you ignore the warning from newfs*.
> I repeat: running newfs on a block device is not good. Use the raw device.
> 4.4 enforces that, but if you are running newfs on an older system,
> this holds too.

Ok, thanks, and sorry if I seem to have suggested
otherwise.  The man page says that if I use a
relative path then newfs will do the right thing
(use the corresponding raw device), and that's
the form of the command in Section 14.3 of the
FAQ.  What I read in the FAQ (and in the EXAMPLES
sections of man pages) I am inclined to take as
recommended usage.  Is that the case here, too?
cheers, (and thanks for the background info)

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