On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 2:11 PM, Jussi Peltola <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The other option I believe would be using PF to round robin the packets
> on
> > both destinations using route-to rules.  Would this work?
> Why wouldn't it?

Not that I can think of, I guess that is why I am emailing the list :)

Just more wondering if anyone has had experience on this specifically.

> I'm really trying to avoid having to buy an 1841.  Don't have the budget
> or
> > inclination to spend that much money for a little green box when I think
> my
> > OpenBSD box can handle it.
> If you have two ethernets and you want to round-robin, trunk(4) might
> work too.

Yeah, that would work I guess, if I could get the modems into bridge mode
and then talk directly to the central cisco. not a bad idea.

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