Hello there I'm having trouble in mapping uid:gid in an openbsd box.
Here is the the setup:
openbsd( as nfs-server, wanting to export
to a linux box, the owner of the directory in the server is haesbaert:users

In the linux box ( the user trying to access is 1201:512.

I can mount the export in linux, but the mappings don't seem to change. And
yes I'm
HUPing mountd, I've also tryied to start mountd with -d, no errors shown.

Here is my /etc/exports:
/home/haesbaert/Projects/magt -mapall=1000:10

Here is mountd debug:
Got line /home/haesbaert/Projects/magt -mapall=1000:10
Making new ep fs=0x7,0xcb85933
doing opt -mapall=1000:10
got host
exporting /home/haesbaert/Projects/magt
unexporting / /
unexporting /home /home
unexporting /tmp /tmp
unexporting /usr /usr
unexporting /var /var
Getting mount list.
Here we go.
Got mount request from
rpcpath: /home/haesbaert/Projects/magt
Mount successful for /home/haesbaert/Projects/magt by

Using Openbsd 4.4.

Am I missing something ? (I've tryied mapping to any other uid, still it
doesn't change).
In the linux box all files appear as 1000:10, but I have no permission to
write in it, as if no map were in place.
Following in linux box:
drwxr-xr-x   6     1000 wheel             512 Nov  2 02:20 devel_magt
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ touch devel_magt/test
touch: cannot touch `devel_magt/test': Permission denied

Any clue ?

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