In preparing for a possible carp redundacy setup for a client's border
router/firewall I have found no information so far as to whether it is
possible to have carp working where the link to the ISP is a /30.

Every example I have found in presentations and tutorials has used 3
IPs on a typical dual firewall setup. So they assume (all fictional
addresses here) something like is the upstream router, with .2
for the $ext_if in unit 1, .3 for $ext_if in unit 2 and .4 for the
carp0 in each.

With a common enough point-to-point /30 link where upstream is .1 and
the firewall is .2, what can we use in hostname.xx0 in each of the
firewalls? No more IPs are available from the ISP apart from a routed
subnet that is expecting to arrive via .2.

References to the documentation that did not surface in my searches
would be appreciated.


(PS It is going to get worse: There will be two IPv4 links and a
combined IPv4/IPv6 link.)
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/earth: write failed, file system is full
cp: /earth/creatures: No space left on device

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