Very rarely, ntpd with a "listen *" configuration fails to start up for me, saying it can't bind to an address. As far as I can remember, that always happened to the very last address, a global IPv6 one.
The condition is so rare, I'm not sure how I recovered from it on past occurrences. The last time it happened was two days ago on my laptop, after I had added a second ethernet interface for testing purposes. I was busy with something else so I didn't investigate and the problem went away when I ejected the interface. I haven't been able to reproduce it. This may not be ntpd's fault. I know some people have problems with isakmpd starting up before v6 duplicate address detection (DAD) has settled for all interfaces. Could DAD stall for minutes or never finish at all? Anyway, I just wanted to throw this out there as an observation. -- Christian "naddy" Weisgerber [EMAIL PROTECTED]