Hi folks,

I'm trying to setup an IPv6 BGP session between OpenBGPD and a cisco
router on my provider end. Unfortunately the session doesn't get

This router is running OpenBSD 4.1 and the problem exist with shipped
bgpd and openbgpd 4.3 as well.

group "XXX" {
        neighbor 2001:XXXX {
                descr "Peer1"
                remote-as XXX
                local-address 2001:XXXX
                announce self
                enforce neighbor-as yes
                tcp md5sig XXXX
                announce IPv4 none
                announce IPv6 unicast
                softreconfig in yes
                softreconfig out yes

The session never went up and those message are logged.

Oct 25 23:16:05 router bgpd[31122]: neighbor 2001:XXXX (Peer1): received
notification: error in OPEN message, unsupported capability
Oct 25 23:16:05 router bgpd[31122]: neighbor 2001:XXXX (Peer1): received
"unsupported capability" notification without data part, disabling
capability announcements altogether
Oct 25 23:16:05 router bgpd[31122]: neighbor 2001:XXXX (Peer1): socket
error: Connection refused
Oct 25 23:16:33 router bgpd[31122]: neighbor 2001:XXXX (Peer1): received
notification: error in OPEN message, unsupported capability
Oct 25 23:16:33 router bgpd[31122]: neighbor 2001:XXXX (Peer1): received
"unsupported capability" notification without data part, disabling
capability announcements altogether

The exactly same session worked correctly with a Linux router running
quagga with following config:

router bgp XXX
 no bgp default ipv4-unicast
 neighbor 2001:XX remote-as XX
 address-family ipv6
 network 2001:788::/32
 neighbor 2001:XX activate
 neighbor 2001:XX route-map transit_in_ipv6 in
 neighbor 2001:XX route-map transit_out_ipv6 out

Thanks for any advice,


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