Recession: Are we There Yet?

  This text is available only in English however there are translation tools
on all the pages of the site

If you can't read this text you can find it at 1776-Annuit C=ptis:

  DIE ZEIT: Can the right monetary and fiscal policy keep the US out of a

Alan Greenspan: 

"Probably not. Global forces can now override most anything that monetary and
fiscal policy can do. Long-term real interest rates have significantly more
impact on the core of economic activity than the individual actions of
nations. Central banks have increasingly lost their capacity to influence the
longer end of the market. Two to three decades, ago central banks were
dominant throughout the maturity schedule.
 Thus, the more important question is the direction of long-term real interest

Chairman Sir Alan "El Maestro" Greenspan
 The Great Irony of Success
 ) ZEIT online, 30.1.2008 

  Interest Rates are the Cause and Consequence of
 the Explosion of Income Disparities and
 the Inherent Instability of the System

 "The income gap between the rich and the rest of the US population has become
so wide,
 and is growing so fast, that it might eventually threaten the stability of
democratic capitalism itself."

 Chairman Sir Alan "El Maestro" Greenspan

  Alan Greenspan Was Right: Translation of GreenSpeaks Into Plain English

  This paper explains the roots of the recent crisis and shows that the
proposed solutions of governments
 takes care of some of the symptoms [Financial Market Crisis]
 without dealing with the problem itself [economic disequilibria].
 Worst they even accelerate a phenomenon which will ultimately bring the world
into a systemic economic catastrophe.

 Expect aqn Asset Price Bubble of a size never seen before
 followed by a crash: it will be dramatic and ugly with no prior warning.

 A free market, credit free solution exists. We propose a way to implement

 This text translates GreenSpeaks into plain English however it is still a bit
technical and
 requires a BA with one concentration in economy or scientific subject.
 However the implementation is simple. If you want to skip the
technicalities jump here.

   "At the present moment people are unusually expectant of a more fundamental
 more particularly ready to receive it; eager to try it out, if it should be
even plausible.

 But apart from this contemporary mood, the ideas of economists and political
 both when they are right and when they are wrong, are more powerful than is
commonly understood.

 Indeed the world is ruled by little else. Practical men, who believe
themselves to be quite
 exempt from any intellectual influences, are usually the slaves of some
defunct economist.

 Madmen in authority, who hear voices in the air, are distilling their frenzy
 from some academic scribbler of a few years back. Emperors and armies come
and go;
 but unless they leave new ideas in their wake, they are of passing historic

 I am sure that the power of vested interests is vastly exaggerated compared
with the
 gradual encroachment of ideas. Not, indeed, immediately, but after a certain

 for in the field of economic and political philosophy there are not many who
are influenced by new theories
 after they are twenty-five or thirty years of age, so that the ideas which
civil servants
 and politicians and even agitators apply to current events are not likely to
be the newest.

 But, soon or late, it is ideas, not vested interests, which are dangerous for
good or evil."

 John Maynard "Invisible Hand" Keynes,
  The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money,
 13 December 1935, p. 383.
 Quoted by Chairman Sir Alan "El Maestro" Greenspan
 Adam "Defunct Economist" Smith
 At the Adam Smith Memorial Lecture, Kirkcaldy, Scotland
 February 6, 2005

 For the economists read our on line document:

 A Specific Practice of Employment, Interest and Money

  1776-Annuit C=ptis  Is a Bailout Plan for the Rest of Us

 1776-Annuit C=ptis  Can't Prevent the Crash
 But it Can Save You from its Consequences!

 Consider your environment print and give a wide audience to that document.

 1 7 7 6 Annuit Co=ptis believes that it won't have time to contact you again
till it declares the state of systemic economic catastrophe. However please
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  Reproduction rights of all or part of this document is granted to anybody
 under the strict condition that the address of the site:  and the name 1776-Annuit C=ptis appear prominently on
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