Hi, I'm running OpenBSD 4.3 (GENERIC) with standard httpd Apache/1.3.29 (Unix). I need to use on my machines phpsysinfo script as necessary information table that may be accessed remotely. So i made directory in Apache document root /phpsysinfo and I gave necessary rights to it. And it works. PHP is installed and runned within Apache - so it works.
But. There is a problem. It works only when I un-chroot httpd. I need to add this flag: httpd_flags="-u" for httpd in /etc/rc.local.conf to make it work properly. Unfortunately :) PHP script is generating the SYSCALL functions or something (sorry, I am not a PHP programmer) to root FS system libraries. Especially devices state logs (dmesg). Additionally it's querying the standard shell applications such as uname or who. Is there any "normal" way to run it with un-chrooting the Apache? Any kind of help will be appreciated :) P Please don't print this e-mail unless you really need to. Best Regards, Zbigniew Sobczyqski [EMAIL PROTECTED] GG: 1334213 JabberID: zetbee Skype: zetbeee