
Thanks for the tip on using submission, SSL or TLS
ports. That solves many of my problems.

But I still think that dynmically allocated IPs should be
treated somehow differently by SPAMD greylisting process.

My point is that if a remote SMTP server goes through the
greylisting process and ends up getting its IP address
whitelisted, that should not be inherited by the next
owner of that IP address.

I know it may be difficult (if not impossible) to identify
whether an IP address is part of an address poll of some
DSL or cable provider (maybe there is a list kept somewhere
in the world of such ranges).

I know for sure one these ranges here in Brazil. And I see
a hell of a lot of spam passing through SPAMD, just because
some of these IP addresses got whitelisted by an earlier
well-behaved temporary owner.

So I would like to know if someone has come up with an
interesting idea on dealing this issue.

Best regards,


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