Thank You! I've ordered this book. I like No Starch Press books anyway.
2008/9/22 jmc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > --- G??bri M??t?? [Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 01:45:30PM +0200]: --- > > Dear List, > > I'd like to study the assembly language of the x86 architecture. I've > > searched for books, but there are a lot of them. Could you please > recommend > > me a good writer/book about this topic? > > i'm a beginner, but i picked up The Art of Assembly Language, a No Starch > Press book by Randall Hyde. ISBN 1886411972. > > i'm sure there's a much longer list of book an assembly programmer > should have at arm's reach, but this is the only one i'm using so far.