On Wed, 10 Sep 2008, Kevin Neff wrote:

> Hi,
> Some secure protocols like SSH send encrypted keystrokes
> as they're typed.  By doing timing analysis you can figure
> out which keys the user probably typed (keys that are
> physically close together on a keyboard can be typed
> faster).  A careful analysis can reveal the length of
> passwords and probably some of password itself.
> The paper:
>   http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?
>   id=1267612.1267637&coll=Portal&dl=GUIDE&CFID=1943417&C
>   FTOKEN=28290455
> I'm seriously considering implementing a fix for this
> weakness.  Is there any interest in incorporating this
> sort of thing into openBSD?

Be warned: implementing any sort of time-based events in the current
SSH mainloop is annoyingly difficult.

If you can do it cleanly, then we are interested.


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