Hi all,

I still read FAQ and some man pages again and again (useful and very readable 
info),but I'm still not sure or my english is terrible :-)

If I have 4.3 -release and make Upgrade with install44.iso snapshot (say from 
28.8.),do I need all the changes pointed here 
http://www.openbsd.org/faq/current.html or only changes after 28.8. or make 
changes only for things I was using or all changes are in snapshot?

I tried apply patches or follow -stable couple of times and everyting was ok -> 
FAQ is "clear" for me.But here I'm not so sure.

I'm trying this in Qemu so mistakes are not so terrible.

During Upgrade there is an info to apply manually necessary changes in /etc 
,but which changes?I have config only for pf(4),I have this system for learn 
base (utilities and so on).

Could someone point me to right direction (what to read about snapshots,man 
page) ?

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