Hi folks, i have configured my openbsd kerberos server. It is serving two other computer in my home network. One of this client is running openbsd the other is Windows XP.
I am able to login into any of these 2 client and authentication goes through kerberos 100% successful. I can log in to the server 100% ok. After logged in any given machine, i can reach another through obtaining a service ticket, what gives me a SSO enviroment. The problem is that i cannot change password from any of those machine, i got the following: [EMAIL PROTECTED] passwd -K [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s Password: New password: Verifying password - New password: Reply from server: Authentication failed [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] passwd -K [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s Password: New password: Verifying password - New password: Reply from server: Authentication failed [EMAIL PROTECTED] And on windows i get a screen witht he following: 1326: Logon failure: unknow user or bad password. What i cannot understand is why i can login on any of the machine, but cannot change password. What am i doing wrong? OpenBSD machine is 4.3 stable and the other, Windows XP. Kerberos(heimdal) is the standard that comes with OpenBSD 4.3