On Tue, Aug 26, 2008 at 07:14:17AM +0100, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
> Eh?
> My LCD is marked as 16:9 and 1440x900 is native resolution.
> Maybe this will be problem with my xorg.conf setup?

1440x900 is 16:10, not 16:9.

  (1440 / 810) = (16 /  9) = 1.77
  (1440 / 900) = (16 / 10) = 1.6

There is a check box on that form to restrict the aspect ratio.  If you
checked off 16:9 but still entered a 16:10 resolution, then it would
only generate the modeline for a 16:9 resolution, which happened to be
1440x810 in your case.

I also do not know if you're referring to a LCD TV, or a computer
monitor.  It's quite possible your LCD physically is 16:9, but still has
a 16:10 input resolution and the picture is scaled appropriately
internally.  For example, my LCD TV seems to only allow 4:3 resolutions
on the VGA input even though the physical aspect ratio is 16:9.  It will
take a 1400x1050 resolution and scale it to fit the full screen
(1920x1080).  I have to use 'mplayer -monitoraspect 16:9 ...' to prevent
videos from being displayed as a stretched out and misshaped 4:3 image.

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