On Jan 12 19:15:46, Markus Hennecke wrote:
> If I remember correctly the alix bios use a baudrate different from 9600 
> baud. Are you by chance connecting to the board with another baud rate? 
> If this is the case just restart the session with 9600 baud and you 
> should be able to boot the system.
> If you would like to use 19200 baud something like
> set tty com0
> stty com0 19200
> in the file /etc/boot.conf will help you so that the baudrate is set 
> automatically by the bootloader.

On Jan 12 23:00:25, Rolf Sommerhalder wrote:
> On Jan 12, 2008 10:44 PM, Limaunion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Well, I finally got it booting. As suggested I upgraded the BIOS to
> > release 0.99 and configured the device to work at 9k6bps.
> > Now the problem is that it gets stuck just before having the login
> > prompt, after printing the date and time, any idea ?
> I guess that in your /etc/ttys the line or tty00 does not read yet like:
> tty00   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   vt220    on secure

The manual ( http://pcengines.ch/pdf/alix2.pdf ) says
"Set terminal emulator to 38400 8N1" on page 9, so 
having 38440 in both /etc/boot.conf and /etc/ttys,
and indeed using 38400 in minicom/tip/whatever
should give you no problems.

My ALIX2c3 works just right using 38400 - starting with the BIOS
messages, the boot> prompt works, even the rotating / appears right.

It's IMHO the 0.99 BIOS that made the difference for you.


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