I just spent some time on this and got a working image for the Watchguard
Firebox X 500-2500 platforms.

For more info about it, I'm keeping track of everything in a forum here:


While I was at it, I pulled out an old Watchguard Firebox III and attempted
to get the image working on it as well, to my surprise I was successful at
this as well, tracking this platforms progress here:


These are great platforms for this application, onboard crypto accelerators
and the 3port FBIII has a pci slot for expansion so you could get another 4
ports off it as well.   They can be had for a reasonable price on eBay at
most times.

Let me know if anyon has any questions about this.


On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 8:26 AM, James Records <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> I just got some screenshots of the project up, if you care to take a look:
> http://www.thewaffle.org/screenshots.html
> There is also a working copy of the VMware image of the project availible
> for download, see the following for brief instructions on how to setup the
> image:
> http://www.thewaffle.org/Forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=11&p=16#p16
> pardon the site design, not my forte, hopefully getting someone else to
> build me something better soon.
> Over the next couple days I'll get an image made for the WG firebox X
> series, I have one laying around that I can work on, hopefully by this
> weekend.
> J
> On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 3:08 PM, James Records <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>> Grab a Watchguard Firebox X off of ebay, they have 6 interfaces, and you
>> can get them pretty cheap, some of the bigger ones have more, onboard
>> crypto, perfect for building openbsd firewalls... you can run off a CF...
>> I'm putting together a project that uses openbsd on these boxes.  If you
>> have any questions about running openbsd on them let me know:
>> www.thewaffle.org
>> Thanks,
>> Jim
>> On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 2:59 PM, phoenixcomm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:
>>> MartC-n Coco wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi misc,
>>> >
>>> > I'm currently looking for hardware alternatives for firewalls that
>>> > should have more than four NICs.
>>> >
>>> > Currently we are buying R200s from Dell, but we have the 4 NIC
>>> > limitation. We could tell Dell to install a quad port NIC (in addition
>>> > to the two-port onboard card), but I haven't read good things about the
>>> > way they work.
>>> >
>>> > I've also looked into soekris, but they don't seem to have enough CPU
>>> > for what we want (this is pure speculation) as we also have intense
>>> > IPSec traffic on some of these firewalls (I've seen that some of them
>>> > could have encryption boards added to increase performance, but I don't
>>> > know if it works for any kind of protocol, or at what rate).
>>> >
>>> > In any case, what I would like to have is firewalls with multiple NICs
>>> > (at least 6 NICs) *and* sufficient CPU to let IPSec work alright at
>>> > least at ~50Mbps (internal backbone firewalls). The multiple NICs are
>>> to
>>> > use trunk, pfsync, real network interfaces, etc.
>>> >
>>> > Thanks,
>>> > Martmn.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> Hi Gang,
>>> well heres my 3 cents,
>>> first why use a stupid PC (any os) for routing...... REALY BAD jue,jue
>>> brake
>>> down and buy a old Cisco 7200,  7500, 3600 they are all very good
>>> routers, I
>>> used a 7500 for a while and now use a 3640
>>> i use pf as a transparent bridge behind my router.. and protects my
>>> servers
>>> I have 3 nics, (world, dmz, ssh)
>>> you could put up a firewall before your router and put everything out one
>>> vlan to the router.
>>> and I have a cisco 2900-xl-en switch with 3 vlans on it... and no
>>> bleeding..
>>> enjoy
>>> Crazy Cris
>>> :working:
>>> --
>>> View this message in context:
>>> http://www.nabble.com/Hardware-recommendation-for-firewalls-%28more-than-4-NI
>>> Cs%29-tp18413703p18899631.html<http://www.nabble.com/Hardware-recommendation-for-firewalls-%28more-than-4-NICs%29-tp18413703p18899631.html>
>>> Sent from the openbsd user - misc mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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