2008/8/13 Antti Harri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On Tue, 12 Aug 2008, Etienne Robillard wrote:
>> On Tue, 12 Aug 2008 15:32:47 -0700 (PDT)
>> martin0641 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Is it possible to make the console, not running X, display colors for
>>> files
>>> and directories?
>> Perhaps. But I'd simply use `ls -FG' for that..
>> in ~/.kshrc put:
>> alias ls='ls -FG'
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ /bin/ls -FG
> ls: unknown option -- G
> usage: ls [-1AaCcdFfghikLlmnopqRrSsTtux] [file ...]
> Perhaps you mean the colorls from ports which has the
> G flag for colors?

Sorry to hijack this thread, but what's always annoyed me with colorls
is that it's only of limited use, because as soon as there are more
than a screenful of files, I type ls -alF|more (actually ll|more, with
ll being an alias for ls -alF), and that obviously means that the
colours are not displayed. Is there a way to have a colour ls and
still be able to page through it?


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