james dandey wrote:
For those that do not know, DOJ is department of justice.
Incompetence and corruption cost an innocent man, Irvins, his life.
The FBI have been harassing me for 15 years. I have posted many emails to
list with a variety of descriptions of what has happened to me. DOJ
purposely try to drive suspects to suicide in cases lacking substantial
It not only occurs in the FBI but across all agencies of the DOJ. Congress
needs to look into the problems at the DOJ.
A PhD Chemist employed at the FBI's criminal investigation lab claims out
right criminal
tampering of evidence.
I will testify under oath the things done to me over that past 15 years and
like Abu Graib it is far worse than most realize.
mr. dandey:
the terms of your parole specifically forbade you from mislinewrapping
in public. you have been issued an additional 50 demerits.
if you do not amend your actions i can neither confirm nor deny that the
DOJ will extraordinarily render your balls inoperable.
from those that already knew