Alexander Hall wrote:

>  From looking at the source, I'd guess that tweaking
> /usr/src/usr.sbin/syslogd/syslogd.h and set MAXFUNIX to a larger number
> than 21 should be pretty straightforward. I'm not in the position to say
> whether large numbers would be appropriate though, for example by some
> limitation of poll(2).

How about one /dev/log and multiple hard links going to it?

Last time I worked with chroot environments was about 7 years ago but
I had a script that built the environments using hard links for the
users, and it seemed to work well. Of course I believe that the
hard link must be on the same file system as the target.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp]# ln /dev/log .
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/tmp]# ls -il /dev/log /tmp/log
89638 srw-rw-rw-  2 root  wheel  0 Aug  3 10:34 /dev/log
89638 srw-rw-rw-  2 root  wheel  0 Aug  3 10:34 /tmp/log


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