
After adding an nfs mount to a machine the daily security script
always leaves behind processes. A typical part of the output of ps aux
looks like this:

root      5578  0.0  0.0   596     4 ??  I      1:30AM    0:00.01 cron: running 
job (cron)
root     32726  0.0  0.0   596     4 ??  Is     1:30AM    0:00.02 /bin/sh -c 
root     27757  0.0  0.0   428     4 ??  I      1:30AM    0:00.03 mail -s 
giediprime daily output root
root      4060  0.0  0.0   580     4 ??  I      1:30AM    0:00.08 /bin/sh 
root     21677  0.0  0.0   388     4 ??  I      1:30AM    0:00.02 tee 
root     26435  0.0  0.0   544     4 ??  I      1:31AM    0:00.10 sh 
root      2896  0.0  0.0   616     4 ??  I      1:32AM    0:00.01 xargs -0 ls 
root     17987  0.0  0.0  1744     4 ??  I      1:32AM    0:00.02 sort -k10
root      1872  0.0  0.0   892     4 ??  D      1:32AM    0:16.44 find / ( ! 
-fstype local -o -fstype procfs -o -fstype afs -o -fstype xfs )

When I tried to kill these processes I noticed that I culdn't kill the
find processes that are apparently stuck in the kernel having WAIT
status nfsrcvl.

The obvious issue here is the nfs mount, but why does this cause the
security script to block?

The entry in fstab looks like this: /mnt/music nfs ro,nodev,nosuid 0 0

Any ideas?

Kind regards,

Ivo van der Sangen

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