Hi Tim and Marc,

thanks for the quick answer. I have had a look at R; it reminds me of
octave, but I didn't like octave because, again, the plotting engine
is gnuplot.

Tim, I had a  look at GMT but I then read "Thus, a complete GMT
installation may take up around 200 Mb." and it scared me away. I know
that includes the data sets etc but I didn't want to spend much time
trying to udnerstand what would be too much for me or not...

though I see *now* in openports.se that "Filesize: 8441.547 KB" ....
oooops... sorry about that... anyway...

R is looking promising, I have just started to produce some plots. I
am wondering about the possibility of using TeX or something similar
for the labels. Do you know how to do that? I have tried to look for a
while but found nothing.

Of course, this is not openbsd-related, so please answer me off-list.


PS: Still, a BSD-licensed programme like R or gnuplot seems not to exist, right?

2008/7/30 Tim Hume <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Pau,
> You might like to look at the Generic Mapping Tools:
> http://gmt.soest.hawaii.edu/
> GMT is a collection of UNIX utilities for making scientific plots (with a
> particular focus on geophysics, but widely used elsewhere). I think it
> meets all your requirements of being command line driven, active and free.
> Cheers,
> Tim.
>> Hi,
>> do you know of a command-line, active, FREE programme to produce
>> scientific plots? I am getting more and more used to gnuplot, but I
>> don't like their conditions:
>> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gnuplot#License
>> I have read something about gri, but it doesn't seem to be as powerful
>> as gnuplot is, and the license is, well, gpl. There are some other
>> gpl-lincesed projects but they look either not active or not
>> well-advanced, or are GUI-specific, as grace is.
>> Supermongo -which I used in the past- is not very freedom-friendly and
>> I don't like the ps result: Everything is converted into a curve,
>> included the labels (letters). This makes very difficult the
>> (potential) per-hand edition/modification of the ps.
>> Just asking. Thanks in advance.
>> Pau

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