my mail wrote:
> i have success build OpenBSD 4.3 ISO using floppy43.fs, and after testing, 
> this iso work perfectly.
> but when i build OpenBSD 4.3 ISO using cd43.iso, my ISO can't boot, i have 
> using options -no-emul-boot because this file to large.
> it's possibel to using cd43.iso when make OpenBSD 4.3 ISO file?
> thx

the cd4x.iso is a full install disc including the kernel without the
install sets. you can use the cd43.iso as a boot media without adding
any additional files. you can then install from ftp / http.

If i'm right the cd4x.iso cannot be used as a bootstrap image for a new
disc like the floppy4x.fs


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