At 09:54 PM 7/16/2008 +0200, Landry Breuil wrote:
On Wed, Jul 16, 2008 at 9:08 PM, L. V. Lammert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That doesn't fix the main problem, however, .. a version control package
> should NOT be in packages as an X flavor.
> It was mentioned earlier that there is a non-X version in ports - why
> don't the maintainers FIX the problem and make that the package instead of
> all this bitching about why people compain about broken packages?
You've been told that git had a -x11 subpackage since april in -current,
now can
you please stop your incessant pointless whining ? Can you at least do
your own
homework and learn how things work in OpenBSD ?
Why do you think that discussing problems with packages constitutes
whining? Are the developers now supposed to get feedback from the user
community by divination?
If you don't want to waste bandwidth, stop being so childish that you have
to have the last word. 97% of the bandwidth wasted on this topic is from
whiners that have contributed abssolutely NOTHING to the discussion.
Thankfully Bernd Ahlers had good info to contribute, so thank you.