2008/7/16 Nuno MagalhC#es <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Eheh he's right :-) If you guys get your heads out of your asses and
> actually read his words with the use of some common sense you might
> get what he means. It's a balanced opinion.
It's not that it isn't a balanced opinion or that he may be right or
wrong - it's that the guy was asking why they weren't following their
disclosure policy and no one has provided a sufficient answer as to
why they don't a) follow the policy or b) change the document.

> From what i've seen so far in this list, the BSD-crowd *is* "a bunch
> of masturbating monkeys" anyway, i get much more decent reasonable
> answers to my problems in any Debian list, along with constructive
> criticism. Here it's rtfm and chest-thumping.

Coming from the GNU/Linux community I felt the same way for a while.
Then I started really looking at what my expectations were versus what
they should be.

In the Linux world I had grown used to expecting something in
particular. Despite no SLA or any other type of agreement, I expected
the community to support the distribution. When I made the change to
FreeBSD and OpenBSD, I brought those expectations with me.

Then I realised that was both selfish and foolish. Now my expectations
have changed. I expect to get an install CD and whatever swag I pay
for. Beyond that, I *hope* that if I have troubles that I can approach
the *BSD community and get some assistance but I realise that that
should never be an expectation and that I'm equally as likely to get a
"sorry, I value my time" as I am to get "you should look at the -<foo>
flag" - and that either response is ok.

Actually, allow me to correct the above. At the end of the day there
is one other expectation I have, and that is to be totally thrashed
for bringing something totally off-topic or meaningless or just plain

Marco commented: *yawn* linus' opinion is as interesting as his relevance.

I say: +1


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