On Fri, Jul 11, 2008 at 09:34:36AM +0200, Ariane van der Steldt wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 10, 2008 at 10:21:28PM -0500, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> > I currently have a 3500 line diff in my tree that completely rewrites
> > softraid metadata handling.  The idea is that when this goes in we can
> > start adding foreign raid formats as sub-drivers to softraid.
> With foreign raid formats, do you mean things like the metadata and raid
> format of dedicated raid cards (like LSI, Intel and 3Ware cards) and
> other OS's raid formats (like FreeBSD)? I must admit I find this very
> interesting.

My first target will be Intel Matrix RAID.  I do have toi warn that I
have much more pressing projects like rebuild/RAID5/iSCSI/AoE etc.

I don't think I'll implement a driver for hardware RAID cards.  But
don't let me stop you; in fact I encourage people to write softraid
drivers.  So send me diffs.

If you want to support most hardware vendors implement DDF (SNIA
standard).  That'll get us going.  I have too many projects to make time
for this.

> Ciao,
> Ariane

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