There is also the Tini from Dallas.
This is a more low level approach, but it comes with a lightweight
unix-like shell, and supports a variety of interface busses and
protocols, http, ppp, ftp and others, and can be programmed in c, java
or assembly.
I've used it extensively, and while there's things I dislike about it,
I've simply found nothing better for my use. I've set up some fairly
extensive networks performing a plethora of tasks - instrumentation,
data aquisition, control, security, automation etc etc.
If you want a plug and play solution, the barix is probably better, but
if you want the flexibilty, power and control of a lower level
implimentation, then the tini is hard to beat.
On 9/07/2008, at 8:46 PM, Tom Le Page wrote:
Are there any alternative solutions that I should look at?
I've used an alternate standalone solution. Do a search for
Barix Barionet. Per unit it may appear to be more expensive, but
Thanks for that, I had not come across the Barix range of devices
Indeed, it does appear more expensive per unit!
But it should be simpler to query (http) than the Phidgets...