Matthew Szudzik wrote:
- A good TeX to html convertor (extensible)
- A good TeX gui
There's a pretty good chance that TeX is going to become obsolete, and
replaced by some HTML or XML derivative.
Why say these things :(
Many technical publishers
have already made the transition. See, for example, the following link
from Cambridge University Press
An interesting alternative project would be to create an HTML and MathML
GUI, with the intent of luring mathematicians and physicists away from
TeX. And then create an HTML/MathML to TeX converter, so that they can
share their work with colleagues and journals that still insist on TeX.
My hate for XML will make this difficult to motivated on.
TeX isnt as dead as you think. Have you for example investigated XMLTeX,
LuaTeX, ConTeXt or XeTeX?
Best Regards