We had a drive failure on a RAID5 (LSI MegaRaid SATA 150-4) volume in our server (OpenBSD 4.1/x86). The hot spare kicked in and the volume rebuilt fine after a successful fsck in single user mode. We put in a new drive as the new hot spare:

# bioctl -Div ami0
bioctl: cookie = 0xd2a23c10
bio_inq { 0xd2a23c10, ami0, 2, 4 }
Volume  Status               Size Device
 ami0 0 Online       501991079936 sd0     RAID5
0 Online 250995539968 0:0.0 noencl <Maxtor 6V250F0 VA11>
1 Online 250995539968 0:1.0 noencl <Maxtor 6V250F0 VA11>
2 Online 250995539968 0:3.0 noencl <Maxtor 6V250F0 VA11>
ami0 1 Hot spare 250053918720 0:2.0 noencl <WDC WD2500AAKS-00VSA01.0>
                                                 '     WD-WMART1158126'

The thing is the hot spare is fractionally smaller than the other drives, which is what happens when you go into a shop and ask for a 250G drive. What's going to happen if another drive fails and the RAID array tries to rebuild onto the slightly smaller hot spare? Will it explode or just error out? Do we need to go back and put a slightly larger drive in?

I know this isn't the ideal place to ask the question but I figure we can't be the only people running LSI cards under OpenBSD. So far I can't find any good references on the 'net but my logic and intuition tells me that the drive needs to be bigger...


Being drunk is feeling sophisticated without being able to say it.

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