So I ended up bying a Logitech Dual Action for $15 at a local store. This is what shows up in dmesg:
uhidev2 at uhub1 port 2 configuration 1 interface 0 "Logitech Logitech Dual Action" rev 1.10/3.00 addr 2 uhidev2: iclass 3/0 uhid0 at uhidev2: input=8, output=7, feature=5 All the buttons and analog sticks work okay. I tried it with bzflag, zsnes and generator (r3, the r2 package didn't work with it). I was also going to try xmame, but the compile bombed and I didn't spell FLAVOR correctly anyway (used the british spelling... oops). Well anyway it's a nice piece of hardware for the price! -- Stephen Takacs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 4149 FD56 D078 C988 9027 1EB4 04CC F80F 72CB 09DA