Khalid Schofield wrote: > So do I have to use pass phrases when generating the certificate? If I > use a pass phrase why? How does it effect the certificate and it's use? > > Also if I use a pass phrase do I have to tell apache about it? Does it > go in a config or do I have to enter it when reloading apache? You do not need a pass phrase, in fact usually a pass phrase will prevent apache from starting until you respond to the prompt to enter the pass phrase. If your server is going to be somewhere where there might be a power outage, or rebooted by someone who does not have the pass phrase it's generally a big headache.
That being said, if there is a risk that someone could read your private key off your webserver, either by physically stealing the server or an untrusted admin, a pass phrase isn't a bad idea. But in this case you have to consider what else would be compromised, and if it's easier just to revoke that cert and get another one. My recommendation would be to not use a pass phrase for SSL services, but use a passphrase for a certificate that you use to sign other certificates: i.e. VPN user authentication, authenticating SSL users by issuing them each their own certificate, or similar. The process of setting up signed cert is as follows: 1. Generate your private key and secure file permissions (you want to do this in a secure fashion, i.e. on the box directly as a root or a private user). Guard this file: if it is compromised the security SSL provides is compromised.: openssl genrsa -out 4096 chmod 400 2. Generate your certificate signing request (CSR), you will be prompted to answer a bunch of questions country, state, location, organization, organization unit, common name and email address, answer these accuratly or else the certificate authority will not sign your key, there is one of special note: Common Name (CN) needs to be the exact domain name of your SSL site i.e. in this example: openssl req -new -nodes -key -out 3. Send the CSR (you can open the file and copy and paste the contents into an email, or the certificate authority's website) to the certificate authority along with what ever other documentation they require (there job is to verify you are who you are requesting a certificate for before signing the key, they usally require some proof of domain ownership and everything else you entered in step 2). 4. You will then receive your signed certificate, you can either keep the certificate in a separate file from your private key, or cat them together to make a .pem file: cat >; chmod 400 Configure apache to use your new cert and key: SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/ SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/ - or - SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/ Since apache is chrooted, have to restart it to read the new key and certificate. Dustin Lundquist