
On Fri, 13.06.2008 at 06:52:00 -0600, macintoshzoom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have gnupg-1.4.8, and KDE KGpg, but no LDAP server support.
> It seems that this gnupg has an LDAP flavor, which I miss somehow to
> install.
> Should I have to uninstall and reinstall gnupg-1.4.8 from the command
> line to enable this flavor (a bit of a pain as it is binded with KDE
> etc), or is there an easier trick for this?

I don't use KDE and also not GnuPG together with LDAP (yet), but my
reading of all of this stuff is this (take with two grains of salt):

 * You need to build gnupg from ports. While you are at it, make sure
   that you grab the 1.4.9 update.

 * Your KDE bindings should be completely unaffected, imho.

 * You might need to configure LDAP access directly in your config
   file, outside of KDE's tools.

Kind regards,

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