On Fri, Jun 13, 2008 at 04:52:45PM +0300, Lars Noodin wrote:
> Louis V. Lambrecht wrote:
> > rem the backslash is used as an escape character in shell world.
> Yes, that's quite familiar and I use it a lot, both for long lines and
> for escaping special characters (quotes, etc).  What is new use to me is
> that the comment lines can be affected.  I simply hadn't tried it.
> However, when it is explained that way, as an escape character, it makes
> sense: the newline character following the backslash is escaped.

It can be surprising (in a bad way) either way it works, and has some
benefits either way as well.

This \
        that \

Can be commented like

# This \
        that \

But then there's the common idiom of commenting something out and
putting in the replacement:

# This \
Thus \
        that \

The above has much different behavior depending on whether comments are
evaluated before the EOL escape. Which way is correct? Which will trip
up more people in every day situations?

Darrin Chandler            |  Phoenix BSD User Group  |  MetaBUG
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