* L?VAI D?niel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2008-05-16 13:40:13]:

> On 2008. May 16. 11:59:33 Tim Post wrote:
> > On Fri, 2008-05-16 at 10:21 +0100, Tomas Bodzar wrote:
> > > http://blog.wired.com/defense/2008/05/air-force-mater.html
> >
> > That reminds me of a story where investigators were stumped for 3
> > months trying to get data off a 1541 5.25" drive connected to a
> > Commodore 64. I wish I could find the link to it.
> >
> > I'm not so worried about that particular project (for obvious
> > reasons), but I have been putting together a plan to move anything
> > that talks to the world to OBSD.
> >
> Then, when everyone will use OpenBSD, and have calmed down, the devs
> will unhide a super-secret secretly hidden remote hole, and the
> computers will turn into one big playground for the OpenBSD folks ;)
> (just fooling around.. of course)...
> Daniel
> --
> LEVAI Daniel
> PGP key ID = 0x4AC0A4B1
> Key fingerprint = D037 03B9 C12D D338 4412  2D83 1373 917A 4AC0 A4B1

Well, in a way, diversity of operating systems is a good thing in
terms of security.  However, if the diverse population is made up
of buggy crap, then you see less of a benefit.  The worst case
scenario is when you have a single operating system having a majority,
and being crappy.

Travers Buda

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